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Embarking on a Journey: How to Become a Cambridge CELTA Tutor

Shady Abuyusuf

Mon, 20 May 2024


Teaching English as a second language (TESOL) is a rewarding and fulfilling career that offers a plethora of opportunities worldwide. One prestigious qualification that stands out in the TESOL world is the Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA). This intensive course equips individuals with the essential skills and knowledge required to teach English effectively. Becoming a CELTA tutor is an accomplishment that would enhance your teaching career and allow you to educate the next generation of English language teachers. In this article, we explore the steps necessary to become a Cambridge CELTA tutor.

Step 1: Acquire the essential qualifications and experience

To become a CELTA tutor, you need to be an experienced and proficient English language teacher. The minimum requirements include:

a. A degree from a reputable higher education institution

b. A recognised English language teaching qualification at level seven such as DipTESOL, DELTA, or an equivalent

c. A minimum of 5 years post-qualification teaching experience (preferably a mix of different teaching contexts and levels)

Step 2: Gain essential tutoring and assessment experience

Before you can apply to become a CELTA tutor, you need to have experience in tutoring and assessing adult TESOL trainee teachers. This may involve mentoring, supervising, and evaluating students during their teaching practice. A solid track record of supporting teacher development would serve as a strong foundation for your application.

Step 3: Prepare a comprehensive CV

Compile an extensive CV that showcases your teaching experience, qualifications, and any accomplishments or awards you may have received. Your CV should highlight your expertise in teaching English as a second language and any relevant management, administrative, or curriculum development responsibilities.

Step 4: Complete the Cambridge CELTA Tutor Training Course (T-in-T)

The TTT course is a crucial step in becoming an official CELTA tutor. This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of the CELTA program. You will explore the course’s syllabus, assessment criteria, and training techniques.

The TTT course is only available to those who have met the entry requirements and have been accepted as potential tutors by a reputable CELTA training center. They will sponsor your application, mentor you during the TTT course, and oversee your progress. Upon successful completion of the TTT course, you will be able to proceed as a CELTA tutor-in-training.

Step 5: Begin your journey as a Cambridge CELTA tutor-in-training

Under the guidance of your mentor from the CELTA training centre, you will start delivering CELTA courses. You will be observed and assessed in your teaching and feedback sessions. During this period, you will fine-tune your skills as a CELTA tutor while adhering to the program’s high standards.

Step 6: Gain approval as a recognised Cambridge CELTA tutor

Once you have successfully completed the training process and demonstrated the required competencies, your mentor and the Cambridge Assessment English Joint Chief Assessor will approve your application. Now, you are officially recognised as a reputable Cambridge CELTA tutor!

Becoming a Cambridge CELTA tutor is a prestigious achievement that reflects your commitment to teaching excellence. This journey requires relevant qualifications, experience, hard work, and persistence. By following the steps outlined above, you can embark on a successful career as a Cambridge CELTA tutor, where you can transform the lives of countless aspiring English language teachers around the world.


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